Wednesday, September 24, 2008

late night

just because i haven't done this in a while, and i'm bored.

i had a lot of meetings today and have a bunch tomorrow, everything is as it should be. Record deals being completed, tension, inspiration, me and my band mates having mutual respect and short fuses for each other. It seems like it's up to you whether you walk around content and engaged with your world, or isolated and distraught. I tend to walk the line in between, occasionally slipping to one side of the other for a few hours, never days. A good nights sleep can cure almost anything, a fever or a depression, a heartbreak or a headache....i need a few more to become a real person again....i could stop blogging at 3am. Anyways, the dreams are becoming realities and the realities are starting to feel like dreams.
fuck it

i love everything

P.S. "Do you feel me" anothony hamilton is my favorite song right now.

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